Ad name

The name of the ad has a very important, sometimes even decisive, meaning for the ensuing conversion (call, e-mail, chat). In order to be distinguished among many offers, the title of the ad should inspire the visitor to click on it. On the other hand, viewing the ad brings the possibility of conversion closer.

A successful, interesting ad title includes the following:

– transaction type – for sale, will buy, exchange, etc. In case of sale, it can also be omitted – "Samsung 20 phone for sale" instead of "Samsung 20 phone"

– subject of the transaction and its main characteristics – "Black 20GB Samsung 20 phone, blue cover".

An ideal name would include enough information that the product could be purchased based on its full name alone. A good headline is key to making a good first impression.

The following is recommended:

– follow a specific order – brand, product name, model, related nouns,

– do not use the merchant's name (using the brand name is OK),

– avoid meaningless advertising phrases like "the best on the market", "free delivery",

– avoid the use of special symbols,

– total title length up to 150 characters (be concise),

– use numbers,

– use unit abbreviations,

– do not use unpopular abbreviations.

Every ad of yours is available on Google. The title represents the first line of a Google search. Compelling, relevant search titles drive more traffic and interest in your offer.

It should be noted that both the advertisement and its title are both in 3 languages – Latvian, Russian, English. Additional languages allow you to reach more target audiences. For each language, create a unique ad title that is clearly understood in that respective language.